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Review of the New John Deere CC19 Coulter Chisel

28 Oct 2024

Join Tyler Zima, Tillage Technology Product Manager at RDO Equipment Co., for an in-depth walk-around of the new John Deere CC19 Coulter Chisel. Discover how the John Deere Coulter Chisel (CC) Series can help you get field prep done faster and with confidence.

The CC19 features Coulter discs located in the front, fixed and mounted gang-style. It’s equipped with heavier shanks than a typical chisel plow, capable of cutting up to 10 inches into the ground and is compatible with the ProFinish leveling system.

To top it all off, the CC19 comes autonomy-ready, factory-loaded with TruSet Active™ for precise depth control and ready for whatever the future may bring.

Shop now or contact your local RDO store to learn more about some of the best tillage tools for farming.


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