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How Semi-Autonomous Pile Drivers are Transforming Solar Panel Installation

30 Aug 2024

There's been no shortage of momentum behind solar energy, and autonomous pile drivers are saving contractors significant costs by eliminating the need for a survey crew. To properly collect solar energy, panel position and elevation — and thus foundation placement — must be exact.

Traditionally, operators would manually follow a string or ground indicator. However, with the Carlson PD Grade Piling Positioning System, operators can now place steel with pinpoint accuracy.

But how does it work? The technology equips pile drivers with Carlson GPS and PD Grade software, offering real-time visualization of positioning and elevation on a ruggedized tablet.

Taking it one step further, Vermeer developed point-to-point technology, creating semi-autonomous pile drivers that ensure consistency and eliminate guesswork errors.

Tune in to hear more from Ken Hugen, General Manager of Sales for RDO Vermeer, about this innovative advancement.

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