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Agriculture Technology Podcast 173: Fieldview And Slingshot Connections

4 Aug 2022

Learn more about two new John Deere Operations Center connections: Climate FieldView Raven Slingshot.

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Watch related: Get Started with Work Planner in the John Deere Operations Center

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Read the entire transcript from the latest episode.

Tony Kramer: With that, let's dive into the show. As I mentioned, we got two new connections into the John Deere Operations Center so let's just take a step back and what are connections, talk about connections. Connections in the John Deere Operations Center is any sort of a third-party connection. Maybe it's a crop scouting app that has a connection to pulling your client farm field names or your boundaries. Maybe it's a soil sampling app. There's a lot of different things. A financial app like Harvest Profit for instance.

A lot of different apps out there, or connections out there, not necessarily apps, but a lot of different connections can be made with the John Deere Operations Center for various reasons. For instance, you collect your agronomic data in your machine, on your display. That data flows into the John Deere Operations Center. From there, whatever these different softwares or programs are, they can pull agronomic data, they can pull boundaries, they can pull client farm field information. Whatever their system needs, they can pull that information.

These two systems we have had connections in the past with Climate FieldView and Raven Slingshot. Most of what those connections have been is those companies pulling data from the operations center into their systems. I mentioned that we have new connections with Climate FieldView and Raven Slingshot. I'm very, very excited to say that these new connections are the reverse of that data flow so we've now got the ability to flow data from Climate FieldView or Raven Slingshot into the John Deere Operations Center.

Again, in the past, we've had the ability to go from Operation Center to FieldView. Now we've got the ability to very easy, very seamlessly, go from FieldView into the Operation Center. You might be asking what is the reason, why would I need to do that? There's a number of different reasons. Maybe you've got a mixed fleet. Let's just for example, take maybe you've got a precision planting planter, you've got your 2020 monitor, and you run all your data through FieldView connected to that 2020 monitor. Maybe in your combine, you don't have YieldSense, you're not running the FieldView app or anything like that and you're not putting any data into FieldView.

With this system or with this connection you would be able to take your FieldView planting data and flow that into the operation center so then we could get our variety locator files into the combine. Another one is maybe you're new to the Operations Center. Maybe you've been using FieldView or Raven Slingshot for a number of years and you are ready to jump on board with the Operations Center, or maybe you just want to give the Operations Center a try. Operations Center is completely cost-free. There is no cost to utilize it therefore you can create an account. You can try it.

If you don't like it, there is no cost involved so you're not out anything, but maybe you're one of those customers that say, hey, for the season of crop season 23 or calendar year 23, whatever it may be, maybe you want to try the John Deere Operations Center. We can get all of your FieldView or Raven Slingshot historical data transferred over with just a one-time connection. The other cool part about that is once you make this connection, it will automatically continue to flow that data.

Maybe you want to continue using Climate FieldView or Raven Slingshot but you also want to have a copy of data in the John Deere Operations Center because that's where your machine fleet management- That's the word I'm looking for. Fleet management. -maybe your fleet management is in the operation center or you've just got more stuff, more information in the operations center but you want to continue to utilize FieldView for reasons of XYZ. There's lots of different reasons. Not one operation, not one farm, is going to be just like the one next door. I can't say specifically what those reasons would be, but there are a lot of different reasons out there.

Another solution or reason for this connection, is there a lot of ag service providers out there that utilize Raven Slingshot to transfer their data and store their data. There again, being able to bring that data into the Operation Center. Maybe you've got some John Deere sprayers, some John Deere floaters or nutrient applicators, you can get all of that in one place now so you've got all of your data stored in one place. You've got your machines in one place. It's all right there. It is a very exciting connection. This just came out. I feel like it is a very timely release which is why I wanted to do this podcast episode.

As we're rolling into harvest season here, I know further down south in the United States and other parts of the world harvest is already going on or maybe harvest is completed, but here in Minnesota, the Dakotas, we are just on the edge of getting started with harvest as we come into August here. It's a great way to get your data in places where you want it. Not just stuck in that one platform. If you want to utilize the Operations Center as a holding ground but you want to continue to utilize FieldView for whatever reason, or vice versa. Maybe you want to utilize FieldView but you want to be able to have that information in the John Deere Operations Center, we can do that.

It is a very simple, very easy way to set up those connections. All you do, just like setting up any other connection, is you go into the John Deere Operations Center and once you're in the Operations Center, you just click setup and then you're going to click on connections. From there, you will see a list of over- It's probably over 300 by now. Maybe even more than that. -of connections that you can connect with your John Deere Operations Center account for various reasons or tools or whatever it may be. What you would do from there is either search the Raven Slingshot or you can search the Climate FieldView.

You will notice if you search Climate FieldView you will see two different connections. You will see the regular Climate FieldView and then you will see data retrieval from Climate FieldView. The one we're talking about today is data retrieval from Climate FieldView. Once you're in there, all you do is click connect. It's going to give you some information describing what is going on. Then you're going to have the ability to select what type of work and a date range.

You can select your seeding or your seeding or planting data. It's listed as seeding in here. Seeding or planting. You've got application data and then you've got your harvest data. You can transfer all of them. You just have to do one at a time and then you'll notice that you can add another work type. You can transfer all three types of data.

You can pick specific date ranges. It can all be done from there. Again, you can go back historically. You can bring in 5 previous years of work, 10 previous years of work. You can bring that all in.

Once you do that and you hit connect, it's going to have you sign in with your Climate FieldView account and it's going to make that connection between your John Deere Operations Center and your Climate FieldView account. Once the connection is established, there is no more that you need to do. It is a one-time connection, nothing more. It's all going to flow the data as it needs to. John Deere will continue to go out to Climate FieldView and watch or look for updates or information that is out there so if you record something on the climate side but you did not record it on the John Deere Operations Center side, it will still flow that data in.

If you've got mixed fleets, whatever you may have out there, that's all going to happen automatically. One thing I do want to mention, with the Raven Slingshot, same thing. You'll go out and if you just search for Raven you'll see we have the Raven data retrieval from-- Oh sorry, John Deere data retrieval from Raven Slingshot. You will have the ability to do that. The only difference is is you need to get an access key from the Raven side of things. That is in your Raven Slingshot account. You will get that data-- Oh sorry, you'll get that access key to retrieve that data. Then you'll again have that connection. One-time connection. You won't have to do anything beyond that.

Just wanted to take this moment on this episode of the podcast to mention these new connections. Very helpful. Like I said, the Raven side, coming from an Ag service provider perspective, a lot of Ag service providers out there utilize that. The Climate FieldView side, something we've been waiting for for a long time. That information has flowed to Climate FieldView but we have never had an easy way of getting it from FieldView into the Operations Center. That is no longer. We now have a very easy one-time connection, one-time setup, to flow that data from FieldView into the Operations Center.

Hope this is helpful for you. Again, I feel like this was a timely release and I wanted to get this podcast out there. Those of you heading into harvest, maybe this is something that will be beneficial to your operation to get all of your FieldView data into the Operations Center or your Raven Slingshot data into the Operations Center. A lot of good reasons for all the platforms and different reasons that everybody utilizes different platforms, but having these connections definitely helps all the parties involved play together and be able to utilize the right tools for the right job.

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