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Sioux Falls Store Supports Life-Saving Work of Emily’s Hope

Sioux Falls Store Supports Life-Saving Work of Emily’s Hope

23 Sep 2021 Read time: 1 min

The RDO Equipment Co. store in Sioux Falls, SD showed its ongoing support for local organization Emily’s Hope, with a donation in late August.

Emily’s Hope is a nonprofit with a mission to support people suffering from addiction by battling stigma and offsetting recovery expenses. It was founded three years ago by Angela Kennecke, a local TV news anchor and reporter, who lost her daughter Emily to fentanyl poisoning.

The Sioux Falls team has supported Emily’s Hope since the beginning at the encouragement of Service Manager Kevin Coyle. He and his brother Kenny have close connections to Angela – in 2017, she worked on a news story that helped the brothers’ father receive a long overdue Purple Heart honor from his service in the Korean War. When Angela founded Emily’s Hope out of her own personal tragedy, the Coyle brothers knew they wanted to help.

Kenny organized the Emily's Hope Poker Run & Classic Car Show event, and Kevin jumped right in, helping to sell raffle tickets for event’s prize, a Harley Davidson motorcycle, and nominating Emily’s Hope as an organization for the Sioux Falls store to support.

Today, Emily’s Hope has helped 100 people through addiction treatment and supports women and their children in sober living. To educate and fight the stigma around substance abuse, the charity is developing drug and alcohol prevention curriculum for grade-school audiences and expanding its treatment scholarship programs to cover a new adolescent treatment center.

“My brother and I were first inspired to help Angela and her cause for personal reasons, but today Emily’s Hope is making a positive difference throughout our community,” Kevin said. “They have a great mission, and it is one that’s certainly worthy of our support,” Kevin said.


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