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RDO Caters Taters Raises More Than $116K for HOPE, Inc.

RDO Caters Taters Raises More Than $116K for HOPE, Inc.

28 Nov 2023 Author: RDO Equipment Co. Read time: 3 min

R.D. Offutt Company’s RDO Caters Taters raised a total of $116,178. To benefit HOPE, Inc., a Fargo-Moorhead nonprofit that provides inclusive, recreational programming to adults and children with mobility challenges.

HOPE, Inc.’s Executive Director Bill Grommesh and Program Manager Kelly Buhr received a check from R.D. Offutt team members after the 23rd annual RDO Caters Taters.

100% of funds raised through its potato luncheon are in-person and take-out potato sales, raffle tickets and sponsorships. HOPE, Inc. was selected as the 2023 beneficiary after a competitive application and interview process earlier this year.

2023 RDO Caters Taters raises $116K for HOPE, Inc.

RDO Caters Taters committee members present check to HOPE, Inc.

“Everything we do for our participants is free of charge. These funds raised will help us to continue to rent facilities, buy or repair equipment, improve operations — just everything we do to create inclusive programs with mobility challenges,” Grommesh said. “This money is going to help so much.” 

Since its inception in 2006, HOPE, Inc. has allowed hundreds of families to burn some energy on the playing field and show off their creative side a bit. HOPE, Inc. provides family-centered sports and recreation activities that build skills, relationships, and confidence. Grommesh explains HOPE, Inc. supports adults, children, and families from Monticello, Minn., to Jamestown with many other communities as they continue to grow their outreach and impact. Grommesh said this six-figure donation will help programs to include more people and increase access to vital skills, confidence, and community-building classes.

RDO Caters Taters is coordinated and executed entirely by RDO team members.

Each year, RDO team members donate their time to organize, prepare and serve more than 2,000 potato lunches. More than 100 companies also support the event through donations of sponsorships, goods, and services.  

“We embrace the idea of a stakeholder philosophy, and how we can add value to different stakeholder groups, one of which being our communities,” said Tim Curoe, chief executive officer of R.D. Offutt Company. “Throughout our footprint in farming, food and equipment, RDO is consistently looking for ways to serve our local communities and one way we do that each year in Fargo is Caters Taters. The event brings together RDO team members, local charities and other partners to support and celebrate our community.”  

Curoe explained RDO selected HOPE, Inc. because of its inclusive programming for adults’ and children’s health and well-being, serving more than 250 families across North Dakota and Minnesota. Since its inaugural year in 2000, RDO Caters Taters for Charity has raised more than $1 million for more than a dozen local charities, including Jeremiah Program of Fargo-Moorhead, BIO Girls, Great Plains Food Bank, PATH of North Dakota, and Valley Senior Services, among others. 

Applications for the 2024 beneficiary will open early next year. To receive updates, like the Facebook page and follow RDOCatersTaters on Instagram

RDO Equipment Co.

Founded in 1968, RDO Equipment Co. sells and supports intelligently connected agriculture, construction, environmental, irrigation, positioning, and surveying equipment from leading manufacturers, including John Deere, Vermeer, and Topcon. With more than 80 locations across the U.S. and partnerships in Africa, Australia, Mexico and Ukraine, we deliver creative solutions so our customers can grow and build the world.  

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