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5 Benefits of Snow Plow Lasers

5 Benefits of Snow Plow Lasers

30 Jan 2025 Author: Scott Schumacher Read time: 3 min
In the demanding world of snow plowing, efficiency and safety are crucial. With winter snow being unpredictable, advanced technology like a snow plow laser is essential. A snow plow laser provides precise guidance, enabling operators to perform their tasks with accuracy and confidence. This results in safer roads and reduces the risk of costly damage to equipment and property. 

Discover the top five reasons to incorporate a snow plow laser into your operations. From enhancing safety and minimizing damage to boosting efficiency and versatility, learn how this tool can help you stay ahead of the snow and ensure your community's safety. 

1. Enhanced Safety 

Safety is a top priority on any job site. A snow plow laser marks the trailing edge of a wing or tow plow before the driver reaches that point. This bright laser enhances the operator's visibility and allows for quick, proactive adjustments. This not only makes roads safer for pedestrians but also helps the operator avoid hitting objects, reducing damage to both equipment and property. 

2. Cost Savings 

Investing in a snow plow laser can lead to significant cost savings. The GL3000PMC, for example, has been shown to reduce plow strikes by 80% or more, leading to substantial financial savings from minimized property and equipment damage. Additionally, the laser's enhanced efficiency allows for faster and more effective plowing, saving both time and resources. 

3. Improved Guidance 

Plow operators often work in challenging conditions like blizzards, freezing rain and sleet. A laser helps show the plow's pathway, making it easier for the operator to do a thorough job even when visibility is poor. This is especially beneficial for those new to plowing or in areas that rarely see snow, as the laser helps drivers learn and follow the path more effectively. 

4. Increased Efficiency 

To keep up with continuously falling snow, plow operators need to work quickly and clear snow effectively. A snow plow laser enhances the visibility of the plow pathway, removing guesswork and providing a clear, efficient path to follow. This leads to faster plowing and less time spent re-plowing missed areas. 

5. Versatility 

Many plowing professionals have multiple roles beyond snow removal. Snow plow lasers, like the GL3000PMC, are versatile and designed for both hot and cold weather, making them useful for various applications such as highway, pavement and field striping. Any vehicle or heavy equipment needing line control and guidance can benefit from a snow plow laser. 

If you operate a snow plow, you’ve got an important job to do. Ensure it’s done right, quickly and safely with the help of a snow plow laser. Contact RDO Equipment Co. to learn how you can integrate a snow plow laser into your business. 

Scott Schumacher

Scott Schumacher has more than 15 years of experience helping contractors embrace technology solutions to improve consistency and productivity on the job site. As the General Manager of Construction Technology for RDO, Schumacher is a consultant for RDO team members and customers to improve their daily operations. In his free time, Schumacher is a proud "Girl Dad" who watches Disney movies on occasion with his 4 daughters.

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