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Dustin Tuhy

Dustin Tuhy

Technical Assistance Center Manager - Fargo, ND

Dustin started his career as a technician at RDO in 1999. It was his very first job out of tech school and he’s remained with the company ever since. After 17 years as a member of RDO’s service department, eight of which were spent leading teams of technicians from service manager and service operations manager roles, Dustin pivoted his career by joining RDO’s field support team. Starting out in a warranty technical support specialist role, Dustin assisted all locations with warranty processes and procedures and worked directly with John Deere to ensure all warranty claims were paid fairly. Since 2018, Dustin has been managing the Internal Technical Assistance (ITAC) team which provides technical support to all Deere technicians and works closely with John Deere’s factory DTAC team. The best part of Dustin’s job is watching technicians grow and succeed. This ties back to his days as a service manager where he took pride in helping his team members progress along RDO’s career path levels.

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