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Northern California Career Opportunities in the Equipment Industry

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Time for a career change? It’s possible with RDO Equipment Co.!

Do you have a passion for fixing things? Do you have experience as a service technician? Whether you have experience or not, you've come to the right place. With RDO Equipment Co.'s continuous on-the-job training and endless opportunities for advancement, starting and growing your career is possible with us. 

Find the job that best fits your needs, apply online, and start your journey today!

Career opportunities available at RDO's Northern California stores

Career Opportunities Available In...

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There's endless opportunities. You never feel like you're out of place — there's team members all over the U.S. that are willing to help. You never feel like you're left out to dry, and if you run into an issue or are struggling with something, you'll always have someone there willing to help you through.

Clayton Howey - Lead Service Technician photo

Clayton Howey
Lead Service Technician in Fowler, CA

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I shadowed everyone for the first week to learn how the business worked, then got to work on my prerequisite courses through Vermeer to get a little more familiar with what I was going to be doing. It's pretty cool. You get an idea of what to expect instead of being told what you're going to do and being sent into your own bay. It's not like that here, it's not that stressful

RDO Equipment Service Technician Luis Cardenas

Luis Cardenas
Service Technician in Sacramento, CA

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